Adriana Marchione close up

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Published August 27, 2022 in

Adriana Marchione on Addiction, Cancer, Dance & Grief

Episode 95

Sometimes I wish the world were a little smaller, so I could meet my guests in person.

Adriana is one of those people who I’d love to spend time with. This, for me, was a beautiful, insightful, honest and tender conversation about humanity, addiction, love, capacity to show up or not, and finding our feet again, literally, after profound loss. #cancer #addictionandloss #death #grief #movement #dancinggrief

Adriana Marchione has been involved in the arts for over thirty years as a filmmaker, dancer, photographer and is internationally recognized in her work as a movement-based expressive arts therapist and educator.

Since 2002, Adriana has taught at the renowned Tamalpa Institute, WHEAT Institute in Canada and founded her own wellness center in San Francisco.

Adriana MarchioneShe has presented her creative healing approach, with a focus on addiction, eating disorders, trauma and grief, at festivals, conferences, and treatment centers including South by Southwest, Studio le théâtre du Corps in Paris and the prestigious Commonwealth Club of California.

Adriana created When the Fall Comes in 2014, a performance project that culminated in a short film based on her own life story encountering intimate grief and loss. When the Fall Comes was translated into French and Korean and streamed in universities across America and Canada through Kanopy.

She has been in recovery from alcoholism for 29 years and was awarded Artist of the Year by ‘In Recovery’ magazine in 2016. Adriana recently released The Creative High, an award-winning documentary film featuring nine artists with substance use disorder who are transformed by the creative process.

Find more about Adriana’s work,, and her film work at and

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