Katrina Taee

End-of-Life Doula and Trainer

Katrina was a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor specialising in grief and co-authored the wonderful grief manual ‘Surviving the Tsunami Of Grief’.

She has over 18 years of professional experience, a large part of which was spent counselling in a voluntary capacity at Thames Hospice as part of their Bereavement care Team, alongside running her own private practice.

She came into that profession from a nursing background but now works as an End-of-life Doula with Living Well Dying Well.

She has always used her own varied experiences of grief to enrich her work and enjoys teaching people about grief, bereavement, and end-of-life issues.

Her passion also lies in her leadership of the Jonathan Conville Memorial Trust, a charity that offers mountaineering training to young adults, which was inspired by the death of her brother in a mountaineering accident.