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Published June 1, 2023 in

Ep. 106 Lucy on being widowed young & the cultural impacts on her grief

Episode 106

No twenty three year old, starting out on married life, expects to be widowed so young, but that is what happened Lucy. After her husband died, not only did she lose him, but also the family and friends that surrounded her – she was from the ‘wrong’ tribe. Lucy generously shares her experience of her life after loss, navigating domestic violence and ultimately fleeing with her three young children to the safety of Ireland. In the decade or so since Lucy has lived in Ireland, she has come through the Direct Provision system, found work, created a social enterprise, met the president of Ireland and written a book. Lucy is beyond inspiring and it was simply humbling to listen to her story and learn from her incredible psychological flexibility, capacity for forgiveness and unwavering kindness.

Lucy wrote a book for her first son, so that he could know his father. The book can be purchased here

Watch interview on YouTube here

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