
Listen to the Episode

Published October 30, 2020 in

Ger Murphy, Psychotherapist and Poet, on grief, death and climate grief

Episode 29

When Ger was 9 years old, he found his father dead at home. Unable to process his grief, it would be shut inside for many years until Ger found his way, as a young adult, into a caring profession and gradually began to address his own inner landscape and wounding.

His early experience of his father’s sudden death and unexpressed grief caught up with him eventually and he developed stomach issues which lead him to discover Somatic Psychotherapy, opening a door into working psychotherapeutically with others. Ger talks to me about his personal experience of grief, how it unfolded in layers over the years and how a spiritual perspective can be a great resource for us in times of overwhelm.

We talked about ways that we can manage the collective grief we feel about climate change and the environmental legacy we are leaving our children.

Such a rich conversation with Ger Murphy on a range of grief perspectives and a little poetry woven throughout.

Ger’s website is One of the poems that Ger shares with us in the podcast features in this video put together by justmultimedia and can be seen here.

In the conversation, Ger mentions the work of and

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